In the intricate web of existence, where energy and frequency are the fundamental threads, the traditional scientific focus has often been on the quantitative aspects of energy—its measurable, numerical values akin to how an engine's output is gauged from a physical source. Yet, what often eludes the grasp of conventional metrics is the “quality” of energy, an aspect as vital as it is elusive.
Energy manifests not only in physical forms but also through qualities that affect us profoundly—emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger. Each of these emotions carries its unique energy signature, influencing us beyond the mere chemical reactions they trigger. Similarly, nature communicates through the quality of energy in colour, sound, shape, angles, and even the sensory experiences of taste, smell, and touch. These are all qualitative expressions of energy that deeply impact our perception and interaction with the world.
Beyond the tangible, the non-material qualities of energy—such as thoughts, intentions, love, and hatred—play a crucial role in our lives. The energy between a mother and her child, for instance, or the healing energy that flows from a caregiver to a patient, these are unmistakeable yet not quantifiable in the traditional sense. The ancients and shamans have long recognised and utilised these qualitative energies in their spiritual and healing practices, understanding their power to transform and heal.
This profound understanding of energy's quality is also integral to the practice of tattooing. When a symbol, design, or pattern is tattooed onto someone, it does more than decorate the skin—it embeds the vibrational frequency of that imagery into the person’s energetic field. This act is not merely aesthetic but transformative, aligning or enhancing the individual’s vibrational frequency with the beneficial energies of the symbol. Whether to elevate a person's energy or to bring them back into balance, the art of tattooing interacts deeply with the vibrational dynamics of the body.
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