• Are you a Tattoo Artist who works holistically?
• A Tattoo Artist who works Intuitively, Intentionally, Spiritually?
• Are you wanting to understand the energies emitted from your designs?
• Are you curious to know what a tattoo resonates with in your client, and how it aligns with your client?
• Are you wanting to create your tattoo designs to assist your clients energetically?
• Do you want to understand how a tattoo is energetically imprinted and how to do this intentionally?
• Do you want to create tattoo designs that emit “Healing Life Force Energy”?
• Do you want to create tattoo designs that bring balance and harmony within your client?
• As practitioners marking the body of others, we have a responsibility to understand what we are marking the body with.
• We are required to hold knowledge to guide the process in a way that enhances the recipient with beneficial frequencies.
• We are Magicians and Healers manifesting through the movement of energy into shape… creating a specific function in the design.
It’s Time to Share this Knowledge with You!
As we walk into this New World Shift, some of us are feeling the Calling to Purpose. There are many levels humanity needs assistance through these changing times, and with this knowledge we can be masters of creating markings that hold, emit, and balance the frequencies and energetic map of the human body.
The Shamans, Druids, Magi and other masters held this knowledge, this 'Ancient Sacred Science', and it is time to bring this back into practice, reviving a potent system of healing, balance, and protection.
This practice was only passed onto certain selected masters in ancient times as it was known to trigger the Evolution of the Consciousness and open the Portal to the Divine and Cosmic Knowledge.
This knowledge will bring another level of sacred depth to your work and with your client, and a level of understanding in the creation of designs and tattoos far beyond what we have known in these times.
The history of this beautiful Secret Sacred Science.
Understand Energetic Frequencies both beneficial and detrimental.
Learn and understand how lines, shapes, and designs create and emit certain vibrational energies.
Discover what these vibrational energies are and how they work with the human body and environment.
How to access non local information by coming into resonation with the vibration of animate and inanimate lifeforms and objects.
Detect and measure the vibrational frequency of a person.
Detect and measure the vibrational frequency of a shape, symbol, or design.
Detect and measure the vibrational frequency of an object, item, or art form.
Test to find out if a design is in alignment with the person receiving it.
Make adjustments to a design and test to find when it is fully in alignment.
Create symbols, patterns, and designs that hold and produce healing life force energy.
Create designs that come into resonation with anything on our dimension and other dimensions, enabling an information exchange.
Create designs containing a spiritual carrier wave.
Energetically imprint a design intentionally and then detect the level of energy successfully imprinted.
Measure the level of healing energy and life force energy created within a design.
Detect and locate the optimal position on the body to place a tattoo ensuring it is in alignment for the highest possible benefits to the persons energy body.
Create designs that connect to higher spiritual realms.
Held in Brisbane over 2 days.
You well receive a set of tools like those used by the ancients for this work.
Information booklet containing everything taught in the workshop… and more.
Follow up communication to answer questions and see how you are going with the process and techniques.
What is the investment?
One Payment
NEXT WORKSHOP DATE IS: To be announced
3 x 1 on 1 online live stream workshops.
1st workshop = history, introduction, foundations to work with between 2nd workshop.
2nd workshop = creating designs containing specific vibrational frequencies, testing to find if a design is in energetic alignment with a person, measuring and testing to make adjustments and enhance the vibrational frequency. Energetically Imprint tattoo designs.
3rd workshop = integration, seeing how you went using the tools and techniques, questions and answers, further guidance.
You will be sent a set of tools like those used by the ancients for this work, PDF booklet containing everything taught in the workshop… and more.
What is the investment?
One Payment
If no dates are posted here for future 'in person workshops' please contact me to find out more info.
Thank you